The fabulous Rhythm Rockets

Everyone who grew up in the 60’s in Sunraysia knew the Rhythm Rockets. In this week’s show we hear two interviews with members of the band. The first is an interview conducted in the early 60’s by 3MA’s Roy Harwood with the band having been formed only 9 months earlier.

The second is an interview hosted by Bruce McLean which was recorded earlier this year. This later interview can be seen below in the video player, where across the program you’ll be able to see most of the images of the Rockets collected over the years. Thanks to Bruce, Jeff and Neil as well as Joy Evans & Ross Lake for making this possible.

Neil Warhusrt and Jeff Waters with Joy Evans, Bruce McLean and Ian MacWilliams in Geoff Evans’ music room

9 Replies to “The fabulous Rhythm Rockets”

  1. Oh how wonderful, made me all teary hearing Col sing. The Ballerina was the place to be when I was a teenager. Every Saturday night we were there. Best time of our lives.

    1. Unfortunately when the boys did the TV show, the station didn’t have any means to record live shows. It was quite a few years later that video tape machines made this possible. We only have those few still photos.

  2. Loved the Rhythm Rockets. Friend & self had several trips to Mildura in sixties (staying at Grand). Oh those days, also the yacht club.

  3. Loved the Rhythm Rockets. Friend & self had several trips to Mildura in sixties (staying at Grand). Oh those days, also the yacht club.

  4. I enjoyed their music and company, great people. I left Mildura in 1967 and came to WA where I met my wife and still here.
    Thank you for the Memories. Ken

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