Mildura Brass Band

At every parade you’ve ever been to, you can be sure that there’s always a Brass Band adding to the atmosphere of the day. Sunraysia has been no exception and in this episode we discover all there is to know about the Mildura Brass Band from our special guest and long serving bandsman, Geoff Steedman. Included are two recordings of the band from 1975 with Len Krause as band leader and Merbein girl Rae Crosier as vocalist.

Listen to the podcast here

Young Geoff in 1954

( Our featured photograph shows the Mildura Brass Band in 1936 after winning a competition in Renmark )

6 Replies to “Mildura Brass Band”

  1. Yes I remember Herb playing bass drum. Just small to medium height and fair hair if my memory is OK, but it’s a while ago.

  2. the McLeod family members Len Mcleod, Rod Mcleod, Neil Mcleod, also nephews Kevin McKee and Colin Mayes, these are all Sue Silver{Armstrong} family members, and all Mayes Girls where in the Band Marching Girls

  3. My father, Hec Wright, is in top photograph at left in back row, and he was drum major for the Band in the Queen’s visit 1954…. and I played trombone and Euphonium in the band from the late 50’s until mid 60’s.

  4. Great interview Ian with Geoff. It brought back a lot of memories for me as Len Krause taught me to play the Trumpet, which eventually led me to join the MDBB and go to places like South Street comps in Ballarat, Tanunda and Adelaide plus more. A great experience and yes, I was a 12 year old that learnt how to play a wind instrument and march at the same time.

    1. Glad you enjoyed it Alan. I’d forgotten that you learnt to play and joined the band. A number if guys I went through tech with finished up joining as well. You guys did a great job.

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