With a thriving town established and a dried fruits industry keen to sell it’s product, a rail line to Mildura was soon considered a must. In this week’s episode Bruce McLean provides the facts and story behind the arrival of the first train in 1903 and reveals a few surprises.
Our feature image shows construction on the line between Woomelang and Mildura in 1903
What a shame that a Liberal Premier of Victoria a k a Kennett snuffed out all that history with a stroke of a pen
Thanks so much Ian and Bruce. Amazing. I learned so much. Will pass onto the train groups here and perhaps share to their fb pages. Already looking forward to the next one. Cheers.
Great to hear from Bruce on this very interesting topic, I met Br uce many years ago when I was Officer In Charge of then Rolling Stock department at Mildura which later became the Operations Branch. Bruce and John Page were regular visitors to my office to pick their copies of the Weekly times. Although I now live in Adelaide I am an ardent follower of anything to do with Mildura on Facebook.
Would of been amazing to have seen the old loco sheds and turntable…
All gone…..
Very good Bruce and Ian a story i had never heard
Much appreciated by a Gunzel. 1928 data from Vic Railway Commissioners Report.
1928 Passengers Outbound Average cost of ticket
Mildura 35,523 12s 6p*
Rail Motor 24,729 6p
In 2021 value this is $53.34.
Also plans for Gol Gol rail line extension over the river at length of 22 miles. But cancelled.
Keep up great interest in Mildura rail history. My grandfather was a fireman and engine driver in Mildura from about 1911 to about 1930. Lived in railway houses that were near station.