Coomealla was first surveyed by the NSW Government around 1920 following the success of similar land developments in nearby areas of Victoria and was soon opened up for growers both new and experienced alike. One Hundred years later, the people of Dareton – Coomealla are celebrating by holding a weekend of activities across the Anzac Day long weekend. On this show we speak with Andy Murdoch, chairman of the Centenary Organising Committee, to find out about where things started and what has been planned for the event.

Great program, Ian. Blimey, there was some work done getting this country going, wasn’t there.
That’s for sure. And every profile outlined the same tough story. It’s wonderful that the hard work had been rewarded with a successful community.
Liked the podcast Andy very well done, very informative,I am sure our 100yr Anniversary celebrations will be well received, and very successful
A couple , who are friends of ours , travelled down from Sydney for the recent celebrations.They mentioned that a book is currently in preparation to mark Dareton – Coomealla ‘s 100 years.Would most appreciate if we could be advised when the book is published.Many thanks ,Wayne and Sue.